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The blockchain network of the Show+ Chain is designed in a private form and

uses a PoA (Proof-of-Authority) consensus algorithm.

PoA is a consensus algorithm that uses pre-approved

permissions to verify the validity of transactions.

The PoA consensus algorithm can reach a consensus faster than

the PoW (Proof-of-Work) and PoS (Proof-of-Stake) used in other Side Nets

and Main Nets, so it can reduce the transaction consensus time.

Coin information


​Overcome the limitations of existing major coins

Disadvantages of existing major coins

Systems that use the proof-of-work (PoW) method,
such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, which are existing major
coin blockchain forms, support about 10 transactions per
second, and Tendemint, which uses the PBFT-based
Proof-of-Stake (PoS) method, is known to support about
1,000 TPS with 100-200 nodes.

Resolved by generating a transaction

Due to the low TPS shown by Ethereum, the TPS of Ethereum's
transactions is further reduced when the Ethereum network
becomes congested. Transactions that are deployed
on the network have put more load on the network as the
content of the transactions becomes more complicated.
If simple transactions can be generated,
the sharp drop in TPS can be reduced.

Limitations of blockchain computing

In addition, when the internal function is complicated,
such as the process of performing an operation, in the function
call of the smart contract, the overhead increases.
Due to the increase in overhead, the speed of the Ethereum
network is slowed down, and there is a possibility that the
use of the Ethereum network may become impossible.

Decentralized distributed method

Complicated calculations such as encryption are reflected by
entering encrypted data after proceeding outside
the blockchain, not inside the blockchain,
and the Show+ Chain network was developed based on
a private network that aims to implement a decentralized
distributed blockchain system with fast speed
and high performance at the single node level.

Advantages of PoA Private Network


Optimized blockchain

it can provide an optimized

blockchain service by developing

a smart contract that minimizes

gas costs based on the maximum

and estimated values of gas costs

for the data structure and number

of parameters when calling

functions of smart contracts.


Optimization of tests

it optimizes testing. Testing

environments to save gas costs

are carried out using Geth 1.8.15

and Mist 0.11.1. Although more

accurate results can be obtained

by conducting tests on Main Net,

tests are conducted on the

testnet "Showby" to consider the

fact that actual money must be

used to deploy. Rinkeby uses PoA

as a consensus algorithm.


Easy to measure costs

it can measure the gas cost

based on the structure and

number of data in internal

functions and parameters when

executing functions. By

measuring this, it provides a way

to determine the most efficient

way to store the same data by

which method in smart contract



Smart Block

Show+ Chain has developed SmartBlock, a mechanism that intelligently

loads a local, privacy-preserving alternative to a blocked resource that

works well enough like the original resource to ensure the service is

functioning properly. With Tracking Protections, SmartBlock intelligently

corrects malfunctions or blank pages without violating user privacy.

SmartBlock also provides local bandwidth for blocked third-party tracking

scripts and performs modification. These standalone scripts operate

similarly to the original scripts that can verify that the website is working.

With these features, damaged sites that rely on existing scripts can be

loaded as they are. In the third version of SmartBlock, support for

replacing popular Google Analytic scripts has been significantly improved,

and support for popular services such as Optimizely, Criteo, Amazon TAM,

and various Google advertising scripts has been added.

These replacement features of SmartBlock are bundled into the

Pando Browser and no third-party content of the tracker is loaded,

so users cannot be tracked in any way.

Core Code

For the core setting, Show+ Chain has replaced the existing 32-bit

implementation of Curve25519 with an implementation of the Fiat-Crypto project.


The arbitrary precision arithmetic function of this implementation has been

functionally proven to be correct and is 10 times faster than the previous code.

Show+ Chain updated its 64-bit implementation to a new HACL* code, achieving

about a 27% speed improvement compared to the previous version.

Pando Browser recently provided this update to Windows as well. These

improvements are very important. Curve25519 forms the most widely used elliptic

curve form of ECDH(E) key setting in the Pando Browser, and the energy

consumption is reduced compared to the processing capacity increase when

applied to mobile devices, which is particularly important for mobile devices.


<32-bit Curve25519 with Fiat-Crypto>


<64-bit Curve25519 with HACL>

The arithmetic properties of Curve25519 are as follows:

𝑦^2= 𝑥^3+48662𝑥^2+𝑥

The curve used is the Montgomery curve above the prime field defined by the

prime 2^255−19. And the base point is 𝑥=9. This base point generates a cyclic

subgroup of the prime order. This subgroup represents the prime below.


The Co-factor of this subgroup is 8, which means that the number of components

of the subgroup is 1/8. The Montgomery curve is defined by the following

equation (field K):


𝑀_(𝐴,𝐵)  : 𝐵_(𝑦^2 )= 𝑥^3+ 〖𝐴𝑥〗^2+ 𝑥^

For specific A, B ∈ K, and simultaneously, B(𝐴^2−4)≠0

스크린샷 2024-03-26 오후 12.44.29.png

Show+ Chain has improved the performance of ChaCha20-Poly1305 for

encryption and  decryption. ChaCha20-Poly1305 is an

AEAD (Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data)  algorithm that combines

ChaCha20 stream cipher and Poly1305 message authentication  code.

The ChaCha20-Poly1305 algorithm generally provides better performance than

the AES-GCM algorithm, which is widely used in systems without hardware

acceleration on the CPU.

The vectorization using 128-bit and 256-bit integer arithmetic (using AVX2 instructions set

on x86-64 CPUs) doubled the processing capacity. If these functions are not available,

NSS is replaced by AVX or scalar implementation, both of which are further optimized.

스크린샷 2024-03-26 오후 12.51.56.png



Distribution information


Show+ Chain will be allocated for the development and transactions of applications

that can be used in the Show+ Chain ecosystem, inducing participation in the ecosystem,

encouraging information utilization and transparency, and managing the transparent

records of the information. Additionally, it will be utilized for marketing, listing,

and developing an independent blockchain network, maintenance,

platform establishment, contingency plans for market fluctuations, etc. to expand

the Show+ Chain ecosystem through partnership and cooperation with other businesses.

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